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Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Having Reflection Of Our Creator

As we know that we all are different. We have different physical bodies, appearances and identities. We all have different thinking patterns, nature, behaviour and character. We have different choices, likes and dislikes. We all are from different cultures, religions and we follow different beliefs, traditions and rituals. We belong to different countries, histories, economies and languages. Apart from all these things even for a single thing we may have our own different views, opinions and thoughts. In this world we all are different and unique in some or other way.

So, the questions may arises in our mind that how could we be the same which are the things that is common in all of us? And.. what is the thing that makes us same?

In the response of these questions, isn't it enough to know that we all are created by the one, THE CREATOR, we call him GOD and the creator created each of us the same. We all are the same having reflection of our creator. We are the reflection of GOD having tremendous hidden potentials and natural abilities gifted by him. Hence, we all are same from within. We just don't know that what we are capable of.

"If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."- Thomas Edison

So now its time to know our true potential and abilities.

Some of our natural abilities are as follows:

To be continue..

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