This blog is for sharing spiritual knowledge and about new healing techniques, giving spiritual help and healing to others. We are here to help everyone and all spiritual children. We want to tell everyone that how capable you are, trust your true potential and the knowledge that is deep within you all. You all have to look inside you, you all are here for some reason and that reason you have to find within you and you will get the answer. Help us to make this world a better place.
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Monday, December 15, 2014
Self Healing Ability
God has given us the healing ability as a natural gift within each of us. We all are aware of immune system. We all have self healing mechanism in our body known as immune system. When we got hurt or get wound, bacterial or viral infection, our immune system get active naturally and it starts releasing antigen against antibodies or it releases fibrin from the platelets (component of blood), whatever is necessary and it to the affected area of your body and that part of our body heals up and this all is happening without your conscious knowledge. Hence, the healing happens naturally in our body. Our body is casting off millions of cell every second and its creating millions of new cells and tissues at the same time. In fact, parts of our body are literally replaced everyday. The unhealthy or old cells dies and new cells takes their place. Healing is taking place every second in your body, right now also at this moment, as each and every cells of our body has a self healing ability, and we are not aware of it. We are not taking active part in our healing process. We all are healer whether one is aware of it or not.
Self Healing Ability is something we all are born with by taking active part in our self healing mechanism we can heal from any kind of disease First of all we should know that how we get attracted to a disease, why we get sick? There are several reason of being attracted to a disease.
Our Negative Thoughts - The Thoughts that we think persistently affects our energy field and subsequently our body. Our persistent thoughts of fears, stress, tension and worries lowers our energy. What
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Daily Inspiration - 15
The Universe is asking.. Show me your new vibration and I will show you miracles.
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Daily Inspiration - 14
This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything that you want, you already are. - RUMI
Friday, October 31, 2014
Daily Inspiration- 13
Within your Heart resides the answer you seek, when you can see beyond your fears, Always will you find only TRUTH, LOVE and LIGHT.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The World To Which We Belong - THE SPIRIT WORLD
After taking birth on earth we get so much attached to this physical world that we afraid to die and we deny the truth of life after death. We forget our real home to which we belong after taking birth. We all belong to the spirit world. On earth we are just for few years, we come here to complete specific predefined mission, to gain some new experiences, to get explore and to grow and develop spiritually in this lifetime. Earth is our school where we have to learn, gain experience and try to purify our souls to reach higher levels. We live in our real home for thousands of years and take many births for spiritual development and our soul mission.
After dying on the earth plane and leaving the physical body we go to our home - SPIRIT WORLD. We have no memory of our real home. We are entirely blocked to that memory from our physical mind but our spiritual mind (subconscious mind) is fully aware of the memory of the spirit world. If we come to know the truth then we will know that DEATH IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE AFRAID OF. According to one of the laws of science that says -"Energy is neither created not destroys, it changes one form to another." It is correctly applicable to ourselves also, to the human beings, and all the living creatures of this world, as we are also an eternal energy. WE WERE ALWAYS AND WE ALWAYS WILL BE, we just change our form from original to physical form and vice versa. We all are originally a spirit being.
The spirit world has 7 realms or planes and each realms contain 10 stages, from 0 to 9. So realm 2-3 would mean realm 2 stage 3. The spirit world is very different from the earth plane. On the earth all the good and bad souls live together but in spirit world it is not like this. There all the bad souls live together and all the good souls live together in the different realms.
The first three realms are hell where the evil souls resides. The 4th realm is neither hell nor heaven. It is an earth like realm which is in between the hell and heaven. The last three realms 5 to 7 are heaven where the good souls goes after death.
About the seven realms of the spirit world:
Realm 1- It is the lowest of the realms. It is the most darkest and horrible place.This realm is nearest to the earth. The evil soul comes
Monday, October 27, 2014
Daily Inspiration - 12
You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This Universe is not outside of you. Look inside of yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.

Friday, October 3, 2014
Daily Inspiration - 11
Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Having Reflection Of Our Creator
As we know that we all are different. We have different physical bodies, appearances and identities. We all have different thinking patterns, nature, behaviour and character. We have different choices, likes and dislikes. We all are from different cultures, religions and we follow different beliefs, traditions and rituals. We belong to different countries, histories, economies and languages. Apart from all these things even for a single thing we may have our own different views, opinions and thoughts. In this world we all are different and unique in some or other way.
So, the questions may arises in our mind that how could we be the same which are the things that is common in all of us? And.. what is the thing that makes us same?
In the response of these questions, isn't it enough to know that we all are created by the one, THE CREATOR, we call him GOD and the creator created each of us the same. We all are the same having reflection of our creator. We are the reflection of GOD having tremendous hidden potentials and natural abilities gifted by him. Hence, we all are same from within. We just don't know that what we are capable of.
"If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."- Thomas Edison
So now its time to know our true potential and abilities.
Some of our natural abilities are as follows:
To be continue..
We all are the same having reflection of our creator. We are the reflection of GOD having tremendous hidden potential and natural abilities gifted by him. One of it is THE CREATIVE ABILITY, the one through which we are created. God has given this ability in each of us equally. Some of us are able to use this ability and others are still not aware of their true potential.
By using our creative ability we can create wonders and change the world in direction to bright our planet Earth but some of us are not using this ability in a right way. They are not following the Godly given path and taking our world, by using their free will, in a wrong direction. They are creating things which may even destroy the lives of others. Their creations are of negative and of destructive nature.
The creative ability has been given to us to enlighten ourselves and the life of others. Our creation must save and serve others. A creation should act like a bridge to make each of us come closer and to connect with each other. The creation is to be of POSITIVE, PRODUCTIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE NATURE. Using this ability and by choosing the right choice we can create wonders for ourselves and for others.
The God is within each of us, he made his creation as his own reflection. Lets learn from this and make sure your each creation have your reflection in it. Let your creations reflects your personality.
The creative ability is related to and originates from our SACRAL CHAKRA (Svadhisthana Chakra). By analyzing and observing how much creative and artistic you are, you can come to know how much open your sacaral chakra is.
Using your creative ability doesn't mean, always, to create great things. It means to create small things that makes you and others happy. You may create an anniversary or birthday cards for your family and friends by your own and express your feelings that how much you love and care for them. Or you can use your creativity and change things into better. Apply your creativity on the table in front of which you sit all day long on your office or in your kitchen, bedroom and living areas of your home. Make these places creative and positive so that it reflects positive vibration of your creativeness to you and others. When you do something creative you feel free and
happy. Creativity also helps you to see the world in new and
inspiring ways.
Use your creativity in your daily life. Try to enhance your creative ability and to open up more and more your Sacral chakra for your natural gift of creativity.
Some Affirmations which you may find useful in this direction:
- Creativity comes naturally to me.
- With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater creativity into my life.I am imaginative and creative in all that I do.
- I am creatively expressing my highest potential.
- I am creative and have the willpower to make use of my talents.
- I allow my creative energy to flow freely at all times.
- Every day I become more creative and inventive.
- I allow my creativity to flow through me.
- I choose to be creative, imaginative and positive in nature.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Daily Inspiration - 10
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Daily inspiration - 9
Bearing in mind your world will shift to match your out-going vibrational signal.

Sunday, September 7, 2014
Daily Inspiration - 8
is only with GRATITUDE that life becomes RICH."
GOD has given
you a gift of 86400 seconds you used one to say, "THANK YOU"?
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