This blog is for sharing spiritual knowledge and about new healing techniques, giving spiritual help and healing to others. We are here to help everyone and all spiritual children. We want to tell everyone that how capable you are, trust your true potential and the knowledge that is deep within you all. You all have to look inside you, you all are here for some reason and that reason you have to find within you and you will get the answer. Help us to make this world a better place.
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Saturday, December 26, 2015
Daily Inspiration - 21
Real true love never dies, not even after your death on Earth. Love is eternal. -The Laws of The Spirit World
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
On Mother Earth every human being
have a life purpose and it is very important to complete your life purpose on
Mother Earth. You have to complete your life purpose because you chose it
before your birth on Mother Earth and it is your decision to take that life purpose for you.
So, it is very important to complete your life purpose because if you are not
completing your life purpose means you are not following your own decision on
Mother Earth.
When we come to Mother Earth we all
human being do not remember our life purpose that why we come to Mother Earth?
Why we chose that life purpose? What is the reason behind that life purpose?
Why we chose only that life purpose? We all forget all these things and so it
is very hard for human being to recall their life purpose. So, you think that
it is very hard to remember all the things of our life purpose but we want to
say to you that it is very easy to recall your life purpose. The method is that
to follow your heart because your heart knows everything very well. Your heart
knows that why you are here on mother earth and the heart knows every
secret. You have to follow your heart to follow your soul path and to follow
what you have decided before taking birth on Mother Earth. Our soul heart is in
the physical body’s heart so, when you follow the heart you follow your soul
path actually because your soul guiding you to your soul path.
As we said earlier that all human
beings have their unique life purpose so indigo children also have their unique
life purpose. The life purpose of indigo children is that they are the
protector of Mother Earth and they are here to serve humanity. They are here to
spread the spiritual knowledge that they know deep inside them. They are here
to maintain the flow of spiritual knowledge. Every indigo children have to take
note that the spiritual knowledge is flowing to other person in right manner or
not. They have to take note that the spiritual knowledge is flowing or not.
Indigo children are here to
spread only God’s knowledge which is sacred knowledge. They are the LIGHT OF GOD and they are here to only
spread the spiritual knowledge so that the other meaningless knowledge will be
disappeared from the Mother Earth. They are here to guide every other human
being. They are here to illuminate the path of other human beings. They are here
to help the others in their life purpose. They know the God’s Law and they are
here to spread only God’s law which is proper and right law that every human
being have to follow. Indigo children have to give guidance to other people in
their life path and the purpose.
They are here to light a candle
in the darkness and they are here to make Mother Earth bright. They are here
for the battle of humanity and they are the WARRIOR OF LIGHT. They are the MESSENGER
OF GOD and they always have to follow and everyone have to follow what God
said and told them. They are here to let the other people know that the
spirituality and positive thinking is very important in everyone’s life. They
are always here on mother earth to do these things, it is a life purpose of
indigo children. They are here on mother earth only for these work and they do not
feel happy and their soul also do not feel happy if they are not following
their soul path.
Please follow your soul path and
life purpose for the humanity. Please help Mother Earth, she needs her every
protector and the time has come when she needs her every protector very soon.
The day is very near so please follow your path and you will contribute
something to humanity and Mother Earth. Indigo children are the contributor on Mother Earth. They are here to contribute something on Mother Earth which is
positive, knowledgeable and spiritual.
They are the spiritual teacher of
other human beings and they are here to teach many things to others. They are
here to change the pattern that indigo children do not like, that indigo
children know very well. Please do only positive things on Mother Earth, you
are here to do that work only. Please share always something positive to
others. Please give knowledge and spread what you have which is of positive
nature. The more you have, the more you have to share it with others. Please
share what you have and indigo children please Mother Earth needs every
protector for her. So please look inside you and find who you truly are, now.
Please it is a humble request to all of the indigo children please look inside
you now and you will find the other person that you are. Please help Mother Earth to heal her.
Now we want to give some information
to you all that now it is a time when Mother Earth needs her every protector
and we are gathering all indigo children because the time is near when Mother Earth needs all her protector. So we are gathering all the indigo children now.
So if you think that you are an indigo children, if you know that you are an
indigo children or if you have doubt that you are an indigo children then
please let us know about you.
If you do not know anything or if
you have doubt on yourself that you are an indigo children and want to confirm
then you can also give your name to us then we will tell you that you are an
indigo children or not. So please help us and mother earth now. It is a humble
request, please you are a protector of Mother Earth and she needs you now. So
please help her, please help her.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
LOW SOUL HEALING is the new technique which is given by GOD to us. It is very effective healing technique to heal any LOW SOUL. This technique is made for low soul and to protect Mother Earth from the low souls and all the human beings have to become nice for the Mother Earth. Mother Earth wanted to heal herself fast and very effectively and GOD gave us this technique to heal Mother Earth. We all human beings has to help the Mother Earth to heal very fast. Till now, Mother Earth has been healed by God approx 75% with the help of this low soul healing technique and Mother Earth will be healed by God totally 100% through this healing. Now the phase comes when Mother Earth will need her every protector and if you feel that you are a protector of Mother Earth and if you feel that you are an INDIGO CHILDREN then please let us know and please inform us that you are INDIGO CHILDREN. You are a protector of Mother Earth and we need every protector of Mother Earth to protect her. We are also protector of Mother Earth so please inform us that you are a protector of Mother Earth and WE and Mother Earth needs you all.
Low soul healing is the healing of God and this technique is given by God. God wants to heal every low soul. In low soul healing every low soul is healed by God. In this healing technique there is only love which is Divine Love and Universe energy that works. Angels also helping in this technique and now we all feels that every human beings should know about this healing technique because God wants to heal every low soul which is on Mother Earth. In the Low Soul Healing the person should be attuned by us. In this Healing the person become again pure and his heart become filled with Divine Love. In this healing person is healed very fast and effectively and the behaviour of the person again becomes good. The person behave like a gentleman and properly after the healing and the man become full of manners and love and only love. The person become slowly, in a proper rate, a positive person after some session in a positivity and that person become aware and that person can become aware of what is good for him or her. In Low Soul Healing the person can understand what is humanity and that person can become a humble person. That
person can feel the feelings after this healing session and he can feel the
love which is pure Divine Love. That person can feel the pain of other and he
can no longer give pain to others. Then that person have self-respect and
respect for other person and he also respects the humanity if he not respect it
That person can feel that there
is a GOD who made him a nice person again and. That person will also realize that
the only thing that God made is love, not other things or feelings. That person
can sense the God within him. That person will believe that there is a God and
he is a child of God. That person will connect to his higher-self, inner child,
GOD, other Heavenly beings and helpers who is helping him in his life. Then the
person can feel that the life is very beautiful and precious that God gave us
all. Then he respect and move ahead in his life in a very positive way, that
the God is with him always.
That person can become again a
PURE BEING OF GOD and full of DIVINE LOVE. That person will have the AWAKEN
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND but not fully awaken. That person can able to bring joy and
peace to others and to himself.
Please help us to heal ALL THE
LOW SOUL ON MOTHER EARTH. Please hold the hand of God in this work and God need
all the human beings and their support in this work.
From the TEAM of
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
INDIGO CHILDREN are that children who are more spiritual than their parents and they are the protector of MOTHER EARTH. Nowadays there many people who knows about the indigo children but there are also some people who do not know anything about the indigo children that's why we are writing this article only for the indigo children.
As you all know there are many people in this world who are become aware that what is spiritual knowledge and in this time more people are spiritual because there are many people who came to mother earth for GOD's work. Nowadays people read more books on positive attitude, personal growth, self development and spiritual books. In this time people becoming more spiritual and there are many people who knows deep inside that why they are here. That is why people draw towards the spiritual knowledge and these kind of books and that is the reason why people buy more books on these topic in today's world. People are now becoming more spiritual day by day and there are lots of indigo children at this time in the world but some of them knows and some don't know that they are indigo children. That's the reason why we wrote this article for indigo children to let them know that they are indigo children.
Indigo Children are more spiritual and it is the reason behind why they draw towards any spiritual and positive work. Indigo children's AURA are by default totally VIOLET. They have NATURAL SKILLS and TALENTS to serve the humanity and to help and heal others. They have natural ability to heal themselves and the others, that's why most of indigo children knows the NATURAL HEALING techniques and they draw towards the natural healing techniques, this is the reason that why they know how to heal themselves and someone else. They know what is natural healing and why they are here on mother earth. Their soul exactly knows it very well and they know what is their purpose on the mother earth. They know why they always draw towards the positive, motivational, spiritual place, seminar, workshops and towards the book. They always feels very happy when they are doing some work which good for everyone and themselves also. That's why they always feel very happy when they attend some spiritual seminar, workshop and place. They always feel very happy and energetic when they are reading some book on spiritual and motivational books. They always feels that they have to do some work which is good for the people and mother earth also.
Indigo children are here on mother earth to contribute something to mother earth which is very positive and they know that one day they will contribute to mother earth. Their soul tells them everything and they feel prompt to some spiritual work always. They know deep inside that their soul mission is to serve humanity and help others. They are the protector of mother earth and there are many things in today's world that indigo children do not like it very much like the education system in their country. They don't like the way their education system works and the way of teaching and learning in the school. They also don't like the system that runs their country. They don't like the things which is not right for the human beings of that country and all the things which is not right for the human beings and MANKIND.
They know how to make all these things better and that's why they know what is good and bad for the human beings and mankind. They know how to change all these things and they are very good at ideas to make this world a better place for all human beings but the indigo children have to listen to their soul and their soul knows everything. Their soul always guide them in the right path but the most important thing is to listen to their soul and if they prompt to some spiritual work or career, actually their soul telling them what is their purpose on the mother earth. They have to walk on the soul path to make the world a better place to live. They walk on the soul path selflessly and with confidence that they know what to do to make this world a better place. They have to walk on their path to serve the others and mankind. They have to walk on the path on which their soul guides them.
When you do spiritual work then your soul will be very happy and all the
HEAVENLY BEINGS, Angelic Realm and GOD will also be very happy with you
and your work.
PLEASE listen to your soul and inner self, they know what is your soul mission and life purpose. Please do not ignore the messages as that they are only your physical mind thoughts. Please listen to your heart it knows EVERYTHING. Your heart always guide you in your right life path. Please listen to the higherselves, you know everything that why you are here and what work you have to do in this lifetime and on mother earth. Please it is a humble request listen to your innerselves.
And if you want to know what is your life purpose and soul mission then read the next article which is on the life purpose of INDIGO CHILDREN. Please read all this article.
From the TEAM of
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
We all sometimes in our life feel like...I am lonely, no one cares for me, I don't have any friends, no one understands me or same kind of feelings. It is quite natural, as we are in human form we get sad often. We flow with our emotions easily and then we start thinking such kind of negative thoughts. But how can we forget that there is one, atleast one always, who do care for us, loves us and thinks only of us each and every moment. He is no one but GOD...our Father..our Creator. How can we forget Him in our lonely hours on earth that GOD is always there with all of us..WITH YOU ALWAYS.
But there is not only GOD who cares for us all the time. As soon we thought to born on earth He thought of us, He thought of all the hard moments we may come across us in our earthly life time, when we would far away from our real home. He thought that who will teach us when we go wrong, who will guide us, advice and help us when we would be in a need of and what would happen when our soul become dormant if we fail to listen to inner divine guidance and our subconscious mind, who will take care of our soul and then He thought of a Spirit Guide for us. Yes..!! A Spirit Guide.
After we take birth on earth we gradually forgets everything such as our origin, the spirit world and our spirit guide too.
Our spirit guide knows everything about us and tries hard to make us walk on the divine right path. Whenever we need advice, we must pray to God genuinely and ask him for help. The spirit and other heavenly beings, such as Angels and Archangels, will do their best to give you help, guidance and peace. This is the main work of a spirit guide in the spirit world. You will be surprised at how the guidance will come to you and the strength and courage you gain to face the situation.
So, whenever you think that there is no one to turn to for help and advice, when you feel lonely or feel that no one cares for you, always remember that there is someone out there in the other world who is thinking only of you, who really cares for you, works hard for you so that you never go wrong.
Our Spirit guide, Guardian Angels and GOD is listening to our each and every thought. They know that how you are feeling and what you are thinking right now. They already know that what you need. They are always available for help, advice, healing, guidance and protection. All you need to do is ASK and STAY CONNECTED to your higher self, Spirit guide, Guardian Angels and GOD.
But there is not only GOD who cares for us all the time. As soon we thought to born on earth He thought of us, He thought of all the hard moments we may come across us in our earthly life time, when we would far away from our real home. He thought that who will teach us when we go wrong, who will guide us, advice and help us when we would be in a need of and what would happen when our soul become dormant if we fail to listen to inner divine guidance and our subconscious mind, who will take care of our soul and then He thought of a Spirit Guide for us. Yes..!! A Spirit Guide.
After we take birth on earth we gradually forgets everything such as our origin, the spirit world and our spirit guide too.
Who is The Spirit Guide?
Each and every soul on earth has a guardian in the spirit world who guides the earthly soul from birth to death. This guardian is known as a spirit guide and its his or her job to guide the soul spiritually. As soon as a soul take birth, a soul in the spirit world get assigned as a spirit guide of that soul and he stays with him through his entire life. The spirit guide watch over the human soul, guide him and protect him throughout his life and enable him to fulfill his earthly mission. It is his or her mission to guide the human soul on the right path.Our spirit guide knows everything about us and tries hard to make us walk on the divine right path. Whenever we need advice, we must pray to God genuinely and ask him for help. The spirit and other heavenly beings, such as Angels and Archangels, will do their best to give you help, guidance and peace. This is the main work of a spirit guide in the spirit world. You will be surprised at how the guidance will come to you and the strength and courage you gain to face the situation.
So, whenever you think that there is no one to turn to for help and advice, when you feel lonely or feel that no one cares for you, always remember that there is someone out there in the other world who is thinking only of you, who really cares for you, works hard for you so that you never go wrong.
Our Spirit guide, Guardian Angels and GOD is listening to our each and every thought. They know that how you are feeling and what you are thinking right now. They already know that what you need. They are always available for help, advice, healing, guidance and protection. All you need to do is ASK and STAY CONNECTED to your higher self, Spirit guide, Guardian Angels and GOD.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Message From The Heaven to Heal MOTHER EARTH
" MOTHER EARTH wants you to know that her Throat Chakra is FULLY OPEN NOW and her Third Eye Chakra is started to open. Mother Earth want the EXTRA HEALING because when the eye is open the Mother Earth is doing the process of Cleaning and then the process of RESET is taking place.
Here, RESET means the occurrence of natural disaster and all the natural calamities, all the earthquakes, volcanoes and flood, ALL THE DISASTER. All the mother Earth is going to clean herself from the EVIL SOULS which are living on the Mother earth and then the our planet earth will become again PURE. All the natural calamities will occur SOON." - Archangel Raphael (Channeling Kritika Rathod)
Here, RESET means the occurrence of natural disaster and all the natural calamities, all the earthquakes, volcanoes and flood, ALL THE DISASTER. All the mother Earth is going to clean herself from the EVIL SOULS which are living on the Mother earth and then the our planet earth will become again PURE. All the natural calamities will occur SOON." - Archangel Raphael (Channeling Kritika Rathod)
Monday, April 27, 2015
Message from Heaven about MOTHER EARTH
On 24th April, Friday...We got a message about our MOTHER EARTH when Kritika Rathod was channeling Archangel Raphael. MOTHER EARTH wants to share this message with all of us.
The message is that :
"The MOTHER EARTH is healing with your thoughts and the healing energy that you are sending to MOTHER EARTH is healing her PHYSICALLY and INTERNALLY. The healing energy that you are sending is healing her by changing the CLIMATE, healing her TEMPERATURE, her outer SURFACE of ozone layer and it is fixing her INNER CORE by setting her THROAT CHAKRA in FULLY OPEN. MOTHER EARTH want you to know that her THROAT CHAKRA is now FULLY OPEN and MOTHER EARTH is healing herself from the DISASTER that is happening now. Help MOTHER EARTH to heal herself and please GIVE SOME REIKI and ANGEL HEALING to MOTHER EARTH. Please help MOTHER EARTH, she needs your healing energy to heal herself. You tell everyone about this information about MOTHER EARTH. Please share it. THANK YOU." - Archangel Raphael
This message is for all of us, all the LIGHTWORKERS and all the HEALERS and for all the MANKIND who are contributing in the healing of the PLANET MOTHER EARTH by their positive thoughts, optimistic nature and healing energy. Please give more and more REIKI and ANGEL HEALING to heal our planet MOTHER EARTH. Please do more and more healing work to heal her.
As we all living beings have Chakras and seven main chakras so do our MOTHER EARTH, she also have seven main chakras. In the 1940s and '50s her first chakra (root chakra) was opening, durind that time Earth's societies worked on overcoming root chakra concerns involving money and security. In the '60s and early '70s her sacral chakra was opening and we handled issues about sex, addictions and other physical appetites. In the 1980s the solar plexus chakra got started to open. At the turn of the century earth's heart chakra started to open, lifting her to the frequency level of pure Divine love. As the heart chakra is fully opened anything unloving cannot remain on the planet. NOW her Throat Chakra is fully open so please give more healing energy to our MOTHER EARTH as this is the time she needs MORE HEALING TO HEAL HERSELF FROM THE DISASTER that are taking place.
- By doing GROUP REIKI : If you are a Reiki Healer and have a group of people who knows and understand what Reiki Healing Method is all about then you can do group Reiki with them. If you do not know how to conduct a group Reiki ask your Master to teach you about group Reiki.
- Imagine a White protective Bubble around the Globe : You can simply imagine a white protective shield or bubble around our planet as we do for ourselves. Visualize a bubble of White Divine Light surrounding The Earth.
- You can do Prayers for Mother Earth : We all know about the Power of Prayer. Your loving and healing words can contribute towards healing. Its an very effective thing. You can do Angel Prayer for healing mother earth.
- Send Extra Angels to Our Planet Earth : You can ask for extra Angels and Archangels for Earth. Give Angel Healing to Mother Earth. Imagine and visualize there are thousands of thousands of Angela who are set on work for healing to Earth, they are sending DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE LIGHT and DIVINE PEACE on EARTH.
- By Having Positive Attitude : Our POSITIVE THOUGHTS and OPTIMISTIC ATTITUDE also help our MOTHER EARTH to heal herself more easily. Send your positive thoughts and do affirmation for PEACE and HEALING for mother earth. Think only positive thoughts which help mother earth to heal herself fast.
Number | Chakra Locations |
One | Mt Shasta, California, USA |
Two | Lake Titicaca, Peru-Bolivia, South America |
Three | Uluru-Kata Tjuta, Northern Territory, Australia |
Four | Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England |
Five | Great Pyramid, Mt. Sinai, Mt of Olives, Middle East |
Six | Location of Third eye is not fixed. This chakra is changes its position time to time. |
Seven | Mount Kailas, Tibet |
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Daily Inspiration - 20

Friday, March 27, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Affirmations for Recieving Divine message clearly
- I am receptive to the messages of the Universe.
- I am open to receive messages from my Higher self.
- I am listening to my intuitions and thoughts. Its revealing answers to me.
- I choose to clearly understand the higher messages within my dreams, thoughts, intuitions and impressions.
- I am open to receive the divine guidance.
- I choose to listen the divine guidance clearly.
- I know that I am divinely guided and protected.
- I choose to pay attention to my intuitions and thoughts.
- I clearly recognize and embrace all signs and symbols from the Universe
- Universe is delivering me Divine messages for highest good of myself and others
- I am connected to the Universe.
- I am a natural channel of Divine.
- I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still small voice within.
- Divine messages are flowing towards me.
- I allow myself to listen to my higher self.
Enjoy creating your own affirmations.
If you have any other affirmation please share with us by commenting below.
Affirmations for increasing creativity
- Creativity comes naturally to me.
- With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater creativity into my life.
- I am imaginative and creative in all that I do.
- I am creatively expressing my highest potential.
- I am creative and have the will power to make use of my talents.
- I allow my creative energy to flow freely at all times.
- Every day I become more creative and inventive.
- I allow my creativity to flow through me.
- I allow the divine creativity and perfection flows through me.
- I choose to be creative, imaginative and positive in nature.
- I have infinite creative power of the Goddess within me.
- Divine creativity is working through me now.
- I allow the creative power of divine to work through me.
- My higher-self is guiding me in everything that I do.
- I allow my higher-self to guide me with creative ideas in everything I do.
If you have any other affirmation please share with us by commenting below.
Affirmations for Healthy Body
- The Divine perfect health is my birth right and I claim it here and now.
- Every cell of my body is vibrating with Divine health and positive energy.
- I make healthy choices and have respect for my self.
- I enjoy the foods that are best for my body.
- I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health.
- Healing happens naturally. I get my mind out the way and I allow the intelligence of my body to do its healing work naturally.
- My body is always doing its best to create perfect health.
- I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still small voice within.
- I have a special guardian angel who is watching over my health. I am Divinely guided and protected all time.
Spiritual Affirmations
- I am connected to the Universe.
- My spiritual awakening is happening now.
- My spirit is a pure radiating light.
- I am natural channel of Divine bright light.
- Divine light is flowing within me, through me, surround me and flows to others from me.
- I am Divinely guided, supported and assisted in everything that I do.
- I am able to do what Divine wants me to do.
- I am open to the gifts, rewards and abundance of the Universe flowing towards me.
- All I put out to the Universe is of a positive and uplifting nature.
- I am an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination and enlightenment to others.
- GOD is working through me, now.
- Thank you GOD for this wonderful life.
- I am open to receive and accept what Universe is giving me, now.
- Each and every cell of my body is filled with Divine light.
- I am choose to follow my soul's calling and mission.
- I am serving the higher purpose of my being.
- I am an instrument of God.
- I am an instrument of Love.
- I allow God and the angels to work through me, now.
If you have any other affirmation please share with us by commenting below.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Daily Inspration - 17
Your ANGELS want to help you heal your life. ALLOW THEM TO WORK FOR YOU. The Law of FREE WILL says that Angels cannot intervene in our lives without our express PERMISSION.
Daily Inspiration - 18
Love is what you are made of, and it's vibrating in every cell of your being. You emanate Love's Healing Power.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
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